
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Episode 17 - Interview with Tracy Poizner from Essential Stepmom
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
This week, I had the pleasure to meet with Tracy Poizner from The Essential Stepmom.
In addition to her group for stepmoms, Tracy hosts a Facebook community for divorced dads called "One for the Dads" to create a safe, private space on social media for asking questions and sharing challenges.
She recently asked the group what they were having the most trouble with in their parenting and they said they wanted to know "How do you stick to your guns and hold limits with your kids, without feeling like a bad guy".
So, she created a 3-day Facebook Challenge called the "Stick to your Guns Parenting Bootcamp for Divorced Dads - and other Nice Guys". The bootcamp ran a few weeks ago, but she's offered my listeners to access the replay.
You can sign up for that by going to bit.ly/dadpower and she'll send you the videos.
You can also join Tracy and other dads on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/oneforthedads
Also, you also read more about Tracy on the website: http://www.EssentialStepMom.com
And also can listen to her podcast Essential Stepmom, which I had the pleasure of being on a little while back :)
If you want to reach out to me, please do so at TheDivorcedDadDiaries@gmail.com
or on my website
Stay Safe! :)

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Episode 16 - Guilty
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Stay safe! :)

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Episode 15 - Paper Anniversary Show
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Happy 1st Annversary to The Divorced Dad Diaries!!
It's so incredible, it's already been a year...
In this episode, I look back at what we have achieved, how awesome you all are to be there with me, and what will be coming up next!
Also, be sure to listen to the episode and stay tuned for some birthday goodies for you, without who this would have never been possible...!
Please feel free to email me at TheDivorcedDadDiaries@gmail.com or you can find everything you need at http://www.TheDivorcedDadDiaries.com
Stay safe! :)

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Episode 14 - So thankful
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all!
In this episode, I talk about the good things about separation and divorce (and yes, there are!) and all I am thankful for in my life.
Through all the pain and negativity, what are you thankful for?
You can reach me at TheDivorcedDadDiaries@gmail.com or visit my website at http://www.TheDivorcedDadDiaires.com
Also, follow me on Instagram and say hi! (@thedivorceddaddiaries)
Stay safe!

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Episode 13 - Mars and Venus
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
In this episode, I talk about the differences and some stereotypes that exists when we talk about divorced men and women.
Are men still from Mars and women from Venus?
Please feel free to leave me some comments about this episode and any other ones at TheDivorcedDadDiaries@gmail.com
And you can also visit my website at www.TheDivorcedDadDiaries.com
Stay safe and take care!

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Episode 12 - Interview With My Son
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
In this episode, I have the immense pleasure to have my son as a guest! As opposed to his sister, he has been staying with me full time, and he talks about how it is, the challenges, stereotypes and also the good parts to it!
Please feel free to reach out to me or him at TheDivorcedDadDiaries@gmail.com
Stay safe and enjoy!

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Episode 11 - Interview with Peter Maestrey
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
In this episode, I have the pleasure to talk to Peter Maestrey, host of the new podcast Divorce - The First Six Months.
Peter is a divorced man with no children who believes that within every loss we have the ability to gain.
Peter was kind enough to come on the show to have a chat and also share his story as a divorced man, and how his journey made him a better person after all.
You can also listen to his podcast and listen to his guests at: www.DivorceTheFirstSix.com
For any questions, please feel free to email me at TheDivorcedDadDiaries@gmail.com
and please visit my website at www.TheDivorcedDadDiaries.com

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Episode 10 - Money For Nothing
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
In this episode, I finally talk about a very common and often very hot topic - Money. How to manage it, how to spend it, how to save some... It's all about what I have learned and wish I had known!
Please feel free to reach out with questions or just to say hi to TheDivorcedDadDiaries@gmail.com or please visit my website and leave me a voicemail at http://www.TheDivorcedDadDiaries.com
Thank you and hope you enjoy!

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Episode 9 - Interview with Angela S Walker - Relationship Designer and Coach
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
This week, on The Divorced Dad Diaries, I have a very special guest who accepted to join me and discuss relationships for men and dads after a divorce.
Angela S Walker is a Relationship Designer and Certified Coach with over 10yrs of experience. She has dedicated her life to helping singles and couples design relationship strategies that are comprehensive and customized for their specific relationship needs.
The personal obstacles she has overcome makes assisting others on their relationship journey very rewarding. After a 14 year marriage that failed due to infidelity, verbal and emotional abuse as well as the pressure of raising a disabled child, Angela had to go on an emergency self discovery journey to rediscover who she really is.
With her approach of “Barring My Scars to Help Others Heal” She has provoked others to reclaim their love for one another through effective communication tips and techniques.
She has also created coaching services that are more affordable to those who need a relationship coach, but could never really afford one.
For more information: https://linktr.ee/angelawalker
And if you're interested in Angela's Master Class on Divorced Men and Dating:
Thank you!

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Episode 8 - Walking and Afraid
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
People deal and cope differently with stress, anxiety and loneliness. It is never easy, and it can take a lot of time and effort to go through those difficult times and come out on top.
In this episode, I talk about what helped me go through some tough times, and get to the light at the end of the tunnel!
And dont forget to visit the new and improved www.TheDivorcedDadDiaries.com
*** The Divorced Dad Diaries made it to #13 on the FeedSpot - Top 20 Divorce Podcasts You Must Follow in 2020! ***
Go check it out at FeedSpot.com